Trump has been making great strides in the Judicial system

Well, the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation received a lot, and I mean a lot of attention the Trumpster has been killing it in the Judicial system. He has been replacing Judges left and right. BO let so many vacancies in the entire system sit open and unfilled.

The Senate has confirmed 84 Trump nominees to the federal bench: 53 trial judges, 29 appeals judges, and two Supreme Court justices.

Trump set a record for appeals court confirmations during the first year of a presidency in January 2017.

This is how you be sure the entire Judicial system will be fair and unbiased … with Justices that understand the Constitution, what it means and that is the Law of the Land!

Obama’s lack of action in this area may very well be the best thing that could have happened. This gave President Trump the ability to fill these positions.. including 2 Supreme Court appointments, so far.

So this could very well be the best, longest lasting accomplishments of the Trump Presidency.

The Senate confirmed three judicial nominees to federal appeals courts this week, rounding out a record-setting year-long confirmation gamut.

The nominees, Leonard Grasz, Don Willett, and James Ho were appointed to the 5th and 8th U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeal. The Senate has cleared 12 nominations to the circuit courts since President Donald Trump assumed office, a record for the modern era.

All three nominees were confirmed on narrow party-line votes, and they mark the culmination of a remarkably successful confirmation effort. Trump has secured 12 circuit court confirmations this year, as well as Justice Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. By way of comparison, former President Barack Obama had just three circuit court confirmations during the first year of his administration — former President George W. Bush had six, and former President Bill Clinton had three.

For more on this check out this from the Daily Caller:



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