‘Politically Speaking’ Category


March 7th 2020 – Politically Speaking & TJM Show

On today’s edition.. 1st hour (The second hour the first Saturday of each month is Politically Speaking) of TJM Show we take your calls and discuss

In the 2nd hour we are joined by State Senator Mike Moore for Politically Speaking.

First hour, Joe talks about the Left’s attempt to somehow blame Trump for Coronavirus. “Trump Virus”? This is “Trump’s Katrina” wow … the Administration has handled it very well.

Joe gets into Schumer’s SCOTOS threat … and wonders what if Ted Cruz said the exact something but directed it at the more Liberal Justices



Dec 7th, 2019

On today’s show Joe has open lines and takes your calls.

Reviews the latest Job number, unemployment numbers and the latest Joe Biden fiasco. Sleepy Joe attacks an 83 your old Marine Veteran and Iowa Voter.. calls him names (Fat) and liar.

The IG Report due to come out this next week.

The continued fall out of this faux Impeachment… and the possible backlash the Dems will see in 2020. The improprieties of the Impeachment process and the shame the the hearings are.

Also, the Electoral College and Sen Warren’s promise to eliminate it.

In hour two, Sen Mike Moore joins Joe for Politically Speaking.



There are good people on each side… their always is.

During a recent show, my guest .. a sitting State Senator once again called the President a “Racist”. He said the Prez said they were good people.

That did not sit well. As a matter of fact, it bothered me. Trump was not saying the Nazis, White Supremacists or Racists are “good” people. Not at all. This again is another case of the Media twisting and slanting the narrative.. yes.. even Fake News.

As with almost any protest, rally or gathering with a hint of Political Correctness or political smell to it, you have the fringe showing up.. the alt right and alt left. So you have people on both sides that other than their political views.. you’d consider a decent person. Should all the people who don’t agree with you.. who have a different look on the same issue be called names and labeled with nasty, extreme labels?

The bottom line is, I do not believe that President Donald J Trump is a Racist. At all, period. And anyone who insists he is, is either not adequately informed or just pure biased political sheep

Yet, that narrative is thrown around like it is a fact.. a universal excepted understanding.. And if you don’t jump on that train.. you are then a Racist.

And as far as a Nationalists.. check that meaning. Hitler was a Racist who happened to be a Nationalists. Nationalists by definition is someone who is for their Nation.. loves their Nation.. above any other Nation.

A person who strongly identifies with their own nation and vigorously supports its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations.

This does not mean you are Racists .. it means you put your country first and love it.. that I would suspect makes millions of us a Nationalists.

But Hitler who was a Nationalists was also a Mass Murdering, Racists, psychopath hate monger-er

So I went back to look at some of the transcripts from that Press Conference. They are below.

You can’t have violence and conflict when you have only one side. Look at the recent White Pride Parade. It was the Protesters in all their arrogance and self righteousness that came to stir it up.

Boston Pride had the correct response.. nothing. Yes, nothing.. they didn’t even give them the satisfaction of responding to them. They just simple ignored them and moved onto things of far greater importance.

But we see time and time again that the so called ‘woke” and diverse, accepting members of our society are the ones covering their faces not to be identified, carrying urine bottles and weapons to “peaceful” rallies.

Well, enough of that for now.. but the constant accusation that our sitting President of the United States is a Racists..what would that say for the citizens of this great Nation if it were true.

This was taken from a PoliticlaFact article:

On Aug. 15, 2017, President Donald Trump held a press conference to discuss an executive order he had signed on infrastructure permitting. Reporters shortly began asking questions about Trump’s initial response to violent protests in Charlottesville, Va. It was at this press conference that Trump said that “you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.”

On April 25, 2019, former Vice President Joe Biden declared his 2020 candidacy for the Democratic nomination and the presidency by recalling the events in Charlottesville and Trump’s comments. “With those words, the president of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” Biden said.

The next day, Trump responded, saying “If you look at what I said, you will see that that question was answered perfectly. And I was talking about people that went because they felt very strongly about the monument to Robert E. Lee, a great general. Whether you like it or not, he was one of the great generals.” Trump also said he would defeat Biden “very easily.”

We wanted to look at Trump’s comments in their original context. Here is a transcript of the questions Trump answered that addressed the Charlottesville controversy in the days after it happened. (His specific remarks about “very fine people, on both sides” come in the final third of the transcript.)

• • •

Reporter: “Let me ask you, Mr. President, why did you wait so long to blast neo-Nazis?”

Trump: “I didn’t wait long. I didn’t wait long.”

Reporter: “Forty-eight hours.”

Trump: “I wanted to make sure, unlike most politicians, that what I said was correct — not make a quick statement. The statement I made on Saturday, the first statement, was a fine statement. But you don’t make statements that direct unless you know the facts. It takes a little while to get the facts. You still don’t know the facts. And it’s a very, very important process to me, and it’s a very important statement.

“So I don’t want to go quickly and just make a statement for the sake of making a political statement. I want to know the facts. If you go back to —

Reporter: “So you had to (inaudible) white supremacists?”

Trump: “I brought it. I brought it. I brought it.”

Reporter: “Was it terrorism, in your opinion, what happened?”

Trump: “As I said on — remember, Saturday — we condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence. It has no place in America. And then it went on from there. Now, here’s the thing –”

Reporter: (Inaudible)

Trump: “Excuse me. Excuse me. Take it nice and easy. Here’s the thing: When I make a statement, I like to be correct. I want the facts. This event just happened. In fact, a lot of the event didn’t even happen yet, as we were speaking. This event just happened.

“Before I make a statement, I need the facts. So I don’t want to rush into a statement. So making the statement when I made it was excellent. In fact, the young woman, who I hear was a fantastic young woman, and it was on NBC — her mother wrote me and said through, I guess, Twitter, social media, the nicest things. And I very much appreciated that. I hear she was a fine — really, actually, an incredible young woman. But her mother, on Twitter, thanked me for what I said.

“And honestly, if the press were not fake, and if it was honest, the press would have said what I said was very nice. But unlike you, and unlike — excuse me, unlike you and unlike the media, before I make a statement, I like to know the facts.”


Reporter: “The CEO of Walmart said you missed a critical opportunity to help bring the country together. Did you?”

Trump: “Not at all. I think the country — look, you take a look. I’ve created over a million jobs since I’m President. The country is booming. The stock market is setting records. We have the highest employment numbers we’ve ever had in the history of our country. We’re doing record business. We have the highest levels of enthusiasm. So the head of Walmart, who I know — who’s a very nice guy — was making a political statement. I mean — I’d do it the same way. And you know why? Because I want to make sure, when I make a statement, that the statement is correct. And there was no way — there was no way of making a correct statement that early. I had to see the facts, unlike a lot of reporters. Unlike a lot of reporters —

Reporter: “Nazis were there.”

Reporter: “David Duke was there.”

Trump: “I didn’t know David Duke was there. I wanted to see the facts. And the facts, as they started coming out, were very well stated. In fact, everybody said, ‘His statement was beautiful. If he would have made it sooner, that would have been good.’ I couldn’t have made it sooner because I didn’t know all of the facts. Frankly, people still don’t know all of the facts.

“It was very important — excuse me, excuse me — it was very important to me to get the facts out and correctly. Because if I would have made a fast statement — and the first statement was made without knowing much, other than what we were seeing. The second statement was made after, with knowledge, with great knowledge. There are still things — excuse me — there are still things that people don’t know. I want to make a statement with knowledge. I wanted to know the facts.”

Reporter: “Two questions. Was this terrorism? And can you tell us how you’re feeling about your chief strategist, Stephen Bannon?”

Trump: “Well, I think the driver of the car is a disgrace to himself, his family, and this country. And that is — you can call it terrorism. You can call it murder. You can call it whatever you want. I would just call it as the fastest one to come up with a good verdict. That’s what I’d call it. Because there is a question: Is it murder? Is it terrorism? And then you get into legal semantics. The driver of the car is a murderer. And what he did was a horrible, horrible, inexcusable thing.


Reporter: “Can you tell us broadly what your — do you still have confidence in Steve?”

Trump: “Well, we’ll see. Look, look — I like Mr. Bannon. He’s a friend of mine. But Mr. Bannon came on very late. You know that. I went through 17 senators, governors, and I won all the primaries. Mr. Bannon came on very much later than that. And I like him, he’s a good man. He is not a racist, I can tell you that. He’s a good person. He actually gets very unfair press in that regard. But we’ll see what happens with Mr. Bannon. But he’s a good person, and I think the press treats him, frankly, very unfairly.”


Reporter: “Sen. (John) McCain said that the alt-right is behind these attacks, and he linked that same group to those who perpetrated the attack in Charlottesville.”

Trump: “Well, I don’t know. I can’t tell you. I’m sure Senator McCain must know what he’s talking about. But when you say the alt-right, define alt-right to me. You define it. Go ahead.”

Reporter: “Well, I’m saying, as Senator –”

Trump: “No, define it for me. Come on, let’s go. Define it for me.”

Reporter: “Senator McCain defined them as the same group –”

Trump: “Okay, what about the alt-left that came charging at — excuse me, what about the alt-left that came charging at the, as you say, the alt-right? Do they have any semblance of guilt?

“Let me ask you this: What about the fact that they came charging with clubs in their hands, swinging clubs? Do they have any problem? I think they do. As far as I’m concerned, that was a horrible, horrible day. Wait a minute. I’m not finished. I’m not finished, fake news. That was a horrible day —

” I will tell you something. I watched those very closely — much more closely than you people watched it. And you have — you had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. And nobody wants to say that, but I’ll say it right now. You had a group — you had a group on the other side that came charging in, without a permit, and they were very, very violent.”

Reporter: “Do you think that what you call the alt-left is the same as neo-Nazis?”

Trump: “Those people — all of those people – excuse me, I’ve condemned neo-Nazis. I’ve condemned many different groups. But not all of those people were neo-Nazis, believe me. Not all of those people were white supremacists by any stretch. Those people were also there because they wanted to protest the taking down of a statue of Robert E. Lee.”

Reporter: “Should that statue be taken down?”

Trump: “Excuse me. If you take a look at some of the groups, and you see — and you’d know it if you were honest reporters, which in many cases you’re not — but many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.

“So this week it’s Robert E. Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson is coming down. I wonder, is it George Washington next week? And is it Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you really do have to ask yourself, where does it stop?

“But they were there to protest — excuse me, if you take a look, the night before they were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. Infrastructure question. Go ahead.”

Reporter: “Should the statues of Robert E. Lee stay up?”

Trump: “I would say that’s up to a local town, community, or the federal government, depending on where it is located.”

Reporter: “How concerned are you about race relations in America? And do you think things have gotten worse or better since you took office?”

Trump: “I think they’ve gotten better or the same. Look, they’ve been frayed for a long time. And you can ask President Obama about that, because he’d make speeches about it. But I believe that the fact that I brought in — it will be soon — millions of jobs — you see where companies are moving back into our country — I think that’s going to have a tremendous, positive impact on race relations.

“We have companies coming back into our country. We have two car companies that just announced. We have Foxconn in Wisconsin just announced. We have many companies, I say, pouring back into the country. I think that’s going to have a huge, positive impact on race relations. You know why? It’s jobs. What people want now, they want jobs. They want great jobs with good pay, and when they have that, you watch how race relations will be.

“And I’ll tell you, we’re spending a lot of money on the inner cities. We’re fixing the inner cities. We’re doing far more than anybody has done with respect to the inner cities. It’s a priority for me, and it’s very important.”

Reporter: “Mr. President, are you putting what you’re calling the alt-left and white supremacists on the same moral plane?”

Trump: “I’m not putting anybody on a moral plane. What I’m saying is this: You had a group on one side and you had a group on the other, and they came at each other with clubs — and it was vicious and it was horrible. And it was a horrible thing to watch.

“But there is another side. There was a group on this side. You can call them the left — you just called them the left — that came violently attacking the other group. So you can say what you want, but that’s the way it is.

Reporter: (Inaudible) “… both sides, sir. You said there was hatred, there was violence on both sides. Are the –”

Trump: “Yes, I think there’s blame on both sides. If you look at both sides — I think there’s blame on both sides. And I have no doubt about it, and you don’t have any doubt about it either. And if you reported it accurately, you would say.”

Reporter: “The neo-Nazis started this. They showed up in Charlottesville to protest –”

Trump: “Excuse me, excuse me. They didn’t put themselves — and you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. You had people in that group. Excuse me, excuse me. I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

Reporter: “George Washington and Robert E. Lee are not the same.”

Trump: “George Washington was a slave owner. Was George Washington a slave owner? So will George Washington now lose his status? Are we going to take down — excuse me, are we going to take down statues to George Washington? How about Thomas Jefferson? What do you think of Thomas Jefferson? You like him?”

Reporter: “I do love Thomas Jefferson.”

Trump: “Okay, good. Are we going to take down the statue? Because he was a major slave owner. Now, are we going to take down his statue?

“So you know what, it’s fine. You’re changing history. You’re changing culture. And you had people — and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally. But you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly.

“Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets, and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group.”

Reporter: “Sir, I just didn’t understand what you were saying. You were saying the press has treated white nationalists unfairly? I just don’t understand what you were saying.”

Trump: “No, no. There were people in that rally — and I looked the night before — if you look, there were people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee. I’m sure in that group there were some bad ones. The following day it looked like they had some rough, bad people — neo-Nazis, white nationalists, whatever you want to call them.

“But you had a lot of people in that group that were there to innocently protest, and very legally protest — because, I don’t know if you know, they had a permit. The other group didn’t have a permit. So I only tell you this: There are two sides to a story. I thought what took place was a horrible moment for our country — a horrible moment. But there are two sides to the country.

“Does anybody have a final —

Reporter: “What makes you think you can get an infrastructure bill? You didn’t get health care —

Trump: “Well, you know, I’ll tell you. We came very close with health care. Unfortunately, John McCain decided to vote against it at the last minute. You’ll have to ask John McCain why he did that. But we came very close to health care. We will end up getting health care. But we’ll get the infrastructure. And actually, infrastructure is something that I think we’ll have bipartisan support on. I actually think Democrats will go along with the infrastructure.”

Reporter: “Mr. President, have you spoken to the family of the victim of the car attack?”

Trump: “No, I’ll be reaching out. I’ll be reaching out.”

Reporter: “When will you be reaching out?”

Trump: “I thought that the statement put out — the mother’s statement I thought was a beautiful statement. I will tell you, it was something that I really appreciated. I thought it was terrific. And, really, under the kind of stress that she’s under and the heartache that she’s under, I thought putting out that statement, to me, was really something. I won’t forget it.

“Thank you, all, very much. Thank you. Thank you.”


I don’t listen to that.. Trump going to win a second!

Saw a post about listening to WBZ and it being Liberal and that Trump would get re-elected and some comments.. I needed to respond:

If the assumption is that (given the economy, wage increases, unemployment numbers at record lows, energy Independence, etc) he will win re-election because..well duh.. why would you stop this …. why would you vote for open borders, welfare state and ridiculous anti 2nd A legislation..

DON”T assume.. if you want a second Trump term you need to vote, work hard and spread the word. The Left were complacent because they thought HC was a lock.. a shoe in.. a presumptive win … and millions of BO supporters stayed home.. they will not this time around…

the DNC, Media (MSM) and activist every day wake up with Trump taking space in their heads, Rent Free, …and they are just wondering how they can tear him down today.. any and everything he does, says or even how he looks is fair game to attack him on… not to mention his family, anyone in his Cabinet or even has worked on his campaign, Administration or has even been known to socialize with him.

To hell with decorum and facts.. so no, don’t be comfortable for a minute that he is a second term POTUS..it’s not a given.


July 6th, 2019 Show/Podcast

On today’s show.. 6 am to 8 am on WCRN 830 AM and WACE 730 AM and live streaming on the TuneIn app

On the Jul;y 4th weekend edition of Conservatively Speaking and Politically Speaking.. Sen Mike Moore joins Joe in hour two. They discuss the RMV messing up with notifications allowing hundreds of drivers to keep driving after suspension.

In hour one, Joe talks about the Pledge of Allegiance, POTUS Candidates campaigning in Mexico, mini AOC getting death threats and US Rep coaching illegals on the loopholes of Immigration


3.16.19 Upcoming .. some notes, topics and News we are looking at this week

Hey folks.. coming up on this week’s Conservatively Speaking we take a look at what’s been going on in the News this week.
Common sense talk for the Common Sense citizen.. Dead reckoning to the truth..

In a college admissions scandal brought to light Tuesday, federal prosecutors allege wealthy parents paid to help their children cheat on college entrance exams and to falsify athletic records of students to enable them to secure admission to elite schools, including UCLA, USC, Stanford, Yale and Georgetown.
This is huge.. deep reaching…

What say you?. Do you have a different view now when someone went to a one of these Ivy league Colleges?….

Didn’t we all kinda of know that something like this was going on.. we knew that “legacy” admissions took place.. and the Institutional kids.. those whose family donated a building, wing.. lab or some other obvious, decadent monument to the family’s wealth and influence.

Everyone would know that the kid walking across the quad whose surname was on the building he just come out of… probably didn’t need to work as hard as you to get in.. the 100 million dollar library building kinda secured his/her entrance.

So this whole charade came crashing down because of a securities investigation.. while the Feds were looking into some Stock pumping improprieties.. the Stock Broker on the pointy end of the stick, in hopes of getting some love shown on his charges throws out a comment.. kinds fishing around.. that he could tell him about being asked for a bribe to get his kid into college. This did peek the Feds interests and was the beginning of a nationwide sting operation.

So the guy who was looking for a bribe to slide the stock brokers kid in what he calls the “Side door”.. is a guy named William “Rick” Singer … he owns a for-profit Newport Beach college admissions company, this is at the center of the scheme
So how it works is the Wealthy parents paid to have him and others facilitate their kids cheating on college entrance exams and admission to elite universities as athletes, regardless of whether they played the sport, this was so intricate.. they made up complete transcripts.. completely fabricated their sports prowess .. to the point they even photo shopped the kids playing sports… in one case they totally made up her tennis skills.. and a full history of playing and winning titles!

The coaches were in on it.. getting paid tens of thousands of dollars to “recruit” them.. to guarantee them a spot.. taking that spot away from a legitimate applicant.

prosecutors allege. Singer has two homes.. on in Sacramento and one in Newport Beach

He operated the business under the name Edge College & Career Network and was also CEO of the Key Worldwide Foundation, which he formed in 2012 to provide education to underprivileged students…this was a charity mind you.. so tax deductible.. so now this opening up a whole mess of Tax fraud and cheating.. resulting in stealing money from the US Tax payers.

Prosecutors allege that Singer instructed parents to make payments to the fake charity under the guise of charitable donations. . . so now those elite money and hedge fund managers, Hollywood snobs ..who look down on “Fly over” country and think all Trumpsters, Republicans and Conservatives are too dumb to know how to think..much less vote.. are getting the deduction!

So now Singer is cooperating with authorities in the investigation and pleaded guilty to the charges in Boston this past Tuesday afternoon.

On the Democratic Presidential front:

This is rich, we have Elizabeth Warren the fake Indian and then throwing his hat in the ring this week… Robert “Beto” O’ Rourke… whose real name is Robert Francis O’Rourke… so he’s using “Beto” to pander to the invading populace we they have the fake Mexican and of course, Bernie Sanders the fake socialist, while he has 3 houses, flies on private jets, and is worth millions

What Say You?

Democrats can only win if they aren’t who they are?.. they think they can win by pretending to be someone they aren’t
Getting back to Robert Francis.. AKA .. Beto O’Rourke .. what is the name all about?.. well this is the guy who married into RE Royalty in Texas.. won a Congressional seat by getting 500 Republicans to switch party and vote for him in a primary.. ousting a Hispanic Congressman

This guy said: Police are the equivalent of modern day Jim Crow Nothing is more American than kneeling for & burning the U.S. flag
.. No wonder they call him the next Barack Obama….

This is the guy that says he’ll tear down the wall if elected.. that his community is safe.. remember .. El Pasa has a wall.. Federal data show a far-less imposing wall than the one Trump envisions is already there… a two-story corrugated metal fence first erected under the Bush administration — already has dramatically curtailed both illegal border crossings and crime in Texas’ sixth-largest city, which borders the high-crime Mexican city of Juarez

This is Robert Francis talking about the wall:

This guy lost to Ted Cruz.. and it was his staffers who were secretly recorded illegally using campaign resources to buy supplies and help transport illegal aliens … they admitted they broke black-letter campaign finance law.

They didn’t report the use of funds, they lied on the reporting, used for funds for personal reasons… and not on campaign expenses…
The left and the media have convenient memory loss.. but let’s be sure we jog that memory..

This is all on video, Project Veritas caught young lefty staffers talking about it in Campaign HQ

They go on to say…. “I think we can use that with those cards..[campaign pre-paid] to buy some food, all that s**t can be totally masked like, oh we just wanted a healthy breakfast!”

“We’re going to use more of those cards to get them more supplies too. So it’s all going to work out. I’m done being nice. I’m done being professional. [Be]cause nothing is professional. None of this is like there is a rule-book for, you know?” .. but of course there is a RULE book.. all kinds of rules..

Dominic Chacon one of the senior staffers.. says..
“There’s not really an approval process,” “we can just go and get the food and we can come up with a BS excuse like as to why we needed to get this stuff.”

He Admitted “If you get caught in some sort of violation that’s like a $50,000 fine.” But Chacon doesn’t worry about the rules. Those are for saps who obey the law: “For me I can just ignore the rules and I’m like f**k it. I don’t mind breaking the rules.”

Staffer AnaPaula Themann goes on to say: “I just hope nobody that’s the wrong person finds out about this,”

So the staff members are breaking the Federal Election Commission’s rules. The commission could impose “civil penalties, including fines of up to $10,000 or 200 percent of the funds involved. Violations of Section 1001 are criminal and include imprisonment of up to five years.”

Some of the illegals, Project Veritas reported, are from the “migrant caravan” heading north through Mexico to storm the southern U.S. border.

Campaign Manager Is OK With It… Chacon explains that Jody Casey, the campaign manager for the O’Rourke campaign, was happy to hear about their efforts supporting aliens with campaign funds,”

Chacon also admitted using campaign vans to transport the illegal aliens: “We’re going to give rides to some of the immigrants too. Like to the airport, to the bus station, like why not, you know?”

Sorry, 2020 Candidates: Dolly Parton Doesn’t Like Any of You Using Her Music

After Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren kicked off her presidential bid last monththis link opens in a new tab using Dolly Parton‘s song “9 to 5,” the country icon’s manager is reminding everyone that Parton, 73, doesn’t want to get political.

The left and media want to know Dolly’s reasons for not bashing trump….. why is that you need a reason… you have to justify NOT bashing the President of the united states
Dolly’s people told the AP that Dolly didn’t approve Warren’s use of the Oscar winning track…. And Warren’s campaign declined to comment to this..

Jay Leno recently on a morning talk show.. talking about how he approached it. I’ve always said, the “Late Night Comedians” ..if you can still call them “Comedians” should keep it natural. Johnny Carson made fun of both sides equally.

He goes on to say it use to be easier.. just watch the News and play with that

And now it is more outrageous than the truth

Andrew Yang is an American entrepreneur, the founder of Venture for America, and a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate. Andrew Yang, 44, is the entrepreneur running for president as a Democrat whose primary campaign promise is to implement a Universal Basic Income for every American adult.
He was in the Obama Administration… lefty
UBI: his proposal to give each American adult $1,000 per month, no strings attached.

So Trump supporters are bigoted, Racist and violent?… Meanwhile, Muslim Student Sets Fire To Christian School To ‘Protest’ Against Trump
Muslim Student Sets Fire To Christian School To ‘Protest’ Against Trump
Tnuza Jamal Hassan, a college student rom Minneapolis, has been charged with intentionally setting four fires at St. Catherine’s University in St. Paul to “protest” against President Trump.
Muslim Student Sets Fire To Christian School To ‘Protest’ Against Trump


2.23.19 Mike Lindell will join Joe in the 7 am hour

Michael J. Lindell is the inventor and CEO of My Pillow, Inc. He is also the founder of the Lindell Foundation and the Lindell Recovery Network.

Mike is out and open supporter of the President and has received a considerable amount of push-back for him and his company.
Trump and Mike Lindell_1478728065549_6990945_ver1.0

Prior to inventing MyPillow, Lindell launched and operated a number of small businesses including carpet cleaning, lunch wagons, and a few bars and restaurants in Carver County, Minnesota.
Lindell was born in Mankato, Minnesota, and was raised in Chaska and Carver, Minnesota.

Lindell then invented the MyPillow pillow in 2004 and grew the MyPillow business into a major Minnesota manufacturing company with 1,600 employees in 2018 and 43 million pillows sold as of 2018.

In 1982, Lindell became addicted to cocaine and alcohol, and became addicted to crack cocaine in the 1990s. His addictions even stretched through the early years of the MyPillow business. Due to these addictions, he lost his marriage of 20 years, his house, and nearly the MyPillow business. Lindell achieved sobriety in 2009.

In March 2017, Lindell produced The Mike Lindell Story: An American Dream, a documentary about Lindell overcoming drug addiction and building a multimillion-dollar business. The documentary was shot in Minneapolis, Minnesota at the Pantages Theatre.


12.01.18 Politically Speaking with Mike Moore

We debut Politically Speaking with State Senator Mike Moore today.

Sen Moore will join us on WCRN 830 AM on the fist Saturday of each month.

12/1/18 Politically Speaking


12.01.18 Podcast with Politically Speaking Debut

Today we introduce “Politically Speaking” .. a monthly disuccussion with State Senator Mike Moore.

Sen Moore will join us the first Saturday of each month to fill us in on what is happening on Beacon Hill.

December 1st 2018

Moore PS


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