Archive for May, 2019


5.25.19 What is coming up on today’s show

What say you?

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5.18.19 Conservatively Speaking

Joe Mangiacotti takes your calls and breaks down the latest political news.

Joe talks about the unraveling of Spy-gate… the latest facts coming to light.

Also commentary on Immigration, taxes and Trump Deranged Syndrome… harassment of Conservatives all across the board.


5.11.19 Today’s show

What is coming up on today’s show.

To join the conversation call: 508-871-7000

Hey folks, excited to have High Sheriff Tom Hodgson on the show tomorrow morning.

Sheriff Hodgson has been a great advocate for common sense immigration law and enforcing the existing laws, should be a radical concept.

The Shiriff wants local Law to have ICE powers and has even offered his inmates to help build the Wall!

Great chance to talk to the High Sheriff yourself. He’ll be joining us in the 7 am hour and you can join the conversation: 508-871-7000

Thomas M. Hodgson has been the Sheriff of Bristol County, Massachusetts, for more than 20 years.

Appointed in 1997, Sheriff Hodgson was elected in 1998 and reelected in 2004, 2010 and 2016.

A longtime law enforcement professional who also has a background in business, Sheriff Hodgson advocates and strives for the overall public safety of the hundreds of thousands of residents of Bristol County and everyone in Massachusetts and the United States of America.

He is an outspoken critic of illegal immigration, an issue that has brought him before Congress and to the Oval Office.

He lives in Dartmouth with his wife, Jo-Anne, and enjoys spending time with his daughters and grandchildren.


Sheriff Thomas Hodgson to join Joe on the 11th

I’m looking forward to Sheriff Hodgson joining me in the 7:00 am hour. To join the conversation, call: 508-871-7000

Thomas M. Hodgson has been the Sheriff of Bristol County, Massachusetts, for more than 20 years.

Appointed in 1997, Sheriff Hodgson was elected in 1998 and reelected in 2004, 2010 and 2016. A longtime law enforcement professional who also has a background in business, Sheriff Hodgson advocates and strives for the overall public safety of the hundreds of thousands of residents of Bristol County and everyone in Massachusetts and the United States of America.

He is an outspoken critic of illegal immigration, an issue that has brought him before Congress and to the Oval Office. He lives in Dartmouth with his wife, Jo-Anne, and enjoys spending time with his daughters and grandchildren.


5.4.19 Podcast – Joe Mangiacotti

On today’s show, Joe talks about the economy, lowest unemployment in 49 years. GDP, Gas and Oil export.. we are energy independent.

Judge Joseph’s legal troubles, FL Gun Law – allows teachers to carry in class after 144 hour training.. and passing.

Jesse Smollett and DA Foxx legal troubles continue to deepen.

Trump said he would run for President

They laughed

Trump said he would win

They laughed

Trump said he was spied on

They laughed

Trump said he would have a booming economy

They laughed

Trump said he would destroy ISIS

They laughed

Who is laughing now?



“Peace is that brief glorious moment in history when everybody stands around reloading.”

In a gunfight, the most important rule is … HAVE A GUN!!!

These are shooting tips from various Concealed Carry Instructors. If you own a gun, you will appreciate these rules… If not, you should get one, learn how to use it and learn the rules.


A Guns have only two enemies: Rust and Politicians. Rust can be prevented, Politicians cannot.

B It’s always better to be judged by 12 than carried out by 6.

C Cops carry guns to protect themselves, not you.

D Never let someone or something that threatens you get inside arm’s length.

E Never say “I’ve got a gun.” If you need to use deadly force, the first sound they should hear is the safety clicking off, or the hammer cocking.

F The average response time of a 911 call is 23 minutes; the response time of a .357 is 1,400 feet per second.

G The most important rule in a gunfight is: Always Win – there is no such thing as a fair fight. Always Win – cheat if necessary. Always Win – 2nd place doesn’t count.

H Make your attacker advance through a wall of bullets … you may get killed with your own gun, but they’ll have to beat you to death with it because it will be empty.

I If you’re in a gun fight:

(a) If you’re not shooting, you should be loading.

(b) If you’re not loading, you should be moving.

(c) If you’re not moving, you’re dead.

J In a life and death situation, do something … it may be wrong, but do something!

K If you carry a gun, people will call you paranoid. Nonsense! If you have a gun, what do you have to be paranoid about?

L Never fire a “warning shot”, that is just one wasted bullet, which could be needed within moments.

M You can say “stop” or any other word, but a large bore muzzle pointed at someone’s head is pretty much a universal language; and, you won’t have to press 1 for Spanish/Mexican, or 2 for Chinese, or 3 for Arabic.

N Never leave a wounded enemy behind. If you have to shoot, shoot to kill. In court, yours will be the only testimony.

O You cannot save the planet, but you may be able to save yourself and your family.

If you believe in the 2nd Amendment, forward to others you know who also believe.


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