Archive for December, 2012


What would a 21 year old female do if she were in charge . . .

This was written by a 21 yr old female who gets it. It’s her future she’s
worried about and this is how she feels about the social welfare big
government state that she’s being forced to live in! These solutions are
just common sense in her opinion.

This was in the Waco Tribune Herald, Waco , TX , Nov 18, 2011


Put me in charge of food stamps. I’d get rid of Lone Star cards; no cash for
Ding Dongs or Ho Ho’s, just money for 50-pound bags of rice and beans,
blocks of cheese and all the powdered milk you can haul away. If you want
steak and frozen pizza, then get a job.

Put me in charge of Medicaid. The first thing I’d do is to get women
Norplant birth control implants or tubal legations. Then, we’ll test
recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine. If you want to reproduce or use
drugs, alcohol, or smoke, then get a job.

Put me in charge of government housing. Ever live in a military barracks?
You will maintain our property in a clean and good state of repair. Your
home” will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be
inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your
own place.

In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or
you will report to a “government” job. It may be cleaning the roadways of
trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we find for you. We
will sell your 22 inch rims and low profile tires and your blasting stereo
and speakers and put that money toward the “common good..”

Before you write that I’ve violated someones rights, realize that all of the
above is voluntary. If you want our money, accept our rules. Before you say
that this would be “demeaning” and ruin their “self esteem,” consider that
it wasn’t that long ago that taking someone else’s money for doing
absolutely nothing was demeaning and lowered self esteem.

If we are expected to pay for other people’s mistakes we should at least
attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system
rewards them for continuing to make bad choices.

AND While you are on Gov’t subsistence, you no longer can VOTE! Yes, that is
correct. For you to vote would be a conflict of interest. You will
voluntarily remove yourself from voting while you are receiving a Gov’t
welfare check. If you want to vote, then get a job.

Now, if you have the guts – PASS IT ON…I WOULD REALLY LIKE TO GET THIS


This is really pathetic, but quite funny when you think about it for a moment.

No surprise at all!

Two magazines, Country Living (95.99% white readership)
and Ebony /Jet (99.99% black readership) did surveys on

Country Living magazine’s top three answers were:
1. Nuclear war/terrorist attack in U.S
2. Child/spouse dying
3. Terminal illness

Ebony / Jet magazine’s top three answers were:
1. Ghosts
2. Dogs
3. Registered mail

No kidding ………………………………. and these are the folks who put Obama over the top!


Some truths about our spending, job creations and Military technology . . .

The US is presently $16.2 Trillion in debt and continues to spend over $1Trillion more than revenue each year. Congress has abdicated their responsibility and is leaving the mess up to President Obama and Rep. Boehner to resolve. The latest threat is to reduce the cost of living for Social Security recipients. Sure take it out on the elderly. For all this politicking and posturing their ultimate goal is to reduce our debt by $1Trillion over 10 years. Even more absurdly, President Obama wants a permanent removal of the debt ceiling. He wants to become dictator of spending. If Congress continues to increase the debt ceiling we will never get spending and debt under control. Congress must not continue to abdicate its power. How about eliminating our debt in the next ten years?

On the spending side of operations, the 545 geniuses in Washington are doing their best to perpetuate the deficit. The NY Times reports today that the Pentagon is sending an additional $700 million to Pakistan because they let us station troupes on the border. Again this is in addition to the over $2 billion annual payoff to Pakistan. Senator Kerry has co-authored a law authorizing a $7.5 billion payout to Pakistan over 5 years.

According to Rand Paul, Congress authorized $1.3 billion in aid to the Muslin Brotherhood, also know as Egypt, in March of this year. On December 11, 2012 Fox News reported that President Obama sent 20 F16 fighter jets worth $218 million to the Muslim Brotherhood/Egypt. I hope our pilots don’t end up facing off against our own technology over Egypt’s air space.

For the 2013 year, according to, we plan to give $1.4 billion to Libya, $1.5 billion to Egypt, $2.2 billion to Pakistan, $670 million to Jordan and, believe this or not, $52 million to Russia. Not counting all the other countries and the other forms of aid not included, this amounts to well over $60 billion over ten years going to questionable “friends.” Over $60 billion in ethanol subsidies and who knows how much in other out of date subsidies (handouts) should also be on the chopping block. There is no talk of cutting handouts to our foreign “friends” or to those who will not work here in America. It is time to hear about real spending reform.

Do you realize that of the approximate 870,000 new jobs created over the past few months, 75% of them were new federal employees? Simply put, every one private sector taxpaying employee hired must support three additional federal salaries. Spending like this cannot be sustained. How can Congress allow this irrational spending over and over again?

We need a balanced budget, a reduction in the debt ceiling, a smaller federal government, cuts to handouts, foreign and domestic, investment in and not more taxes on the private sector, incentives to work, term limits and a Congress with guts.



What does banned guns in Europe tell you?


Thomas Jefferson said it perfect:


Piers Morgan resorts to name calling after losing Gun Control debate !!!


Under the Fedora 1924-2012

In November of 1924 Calvin Coolidge who came to the White House the year earlier after the death of Warren G. Harding, was elected in his own right to the presidency taking 35 states, 382 electoral votes and 54% of the popular vote vs John W. Davis’ 136 Electoral votes and 28.8% popular and Progressive Robert M. La Follete who managed 16.6% of the popular vote but carried only Wisconsin.

Despite the prosperity of the nation and his own personal popularity Coolidge did not choose to run for president in 1928 and would retire from public life dying in 1933 at the age of 60.


Twelve days after Coolidge’s election in the state he served as  governor,  a Sicilian woman named Grazia gave birth for the seventh and final time.  Grazia had come to America shortly before the eruption of Mt. Etna and follow up earthquake that destroyed the city where she and her future husband Antonio had lived.  He had left Sicily before her and after a brief time in Brazil, would settle in Fitchburg Massachusetts There he would become a barber, marry Grazia, and raise their family at the end of a dead end street.

Two of their 4 girls and two boys did not live to see their sister Mary born. Steven died at birth and the oldest girl had died at age three.  Mary would be baptized at the fairly new Italian Catholic Church, St. Anthony di Padua that her parents had been married in and would live her entire single life in the house on Matthews street where she was born.


On February 22, 1937 Congressman James Paul Buchanan of the 10th District of Texas died.  His wife was considered a shoe in for the special election but had not yet decided to run.  A congressional aide named Lyndon Johnson, wanted the seat.  He visited his father a former three term state Rep Sam Johnson for advice.  The elder Johnson as Biographer Robert Caro put it, didn’t have to think twice.  “She’s an old woman.  She’s too old for a fight.  If she knows she’s going to have a fight she won’t run.  Announce now—before she announces.  If you do she won’t run.”  Lyndon listened to his father.  Mrs. Buchanan didn’t run and after a hard fought victory he took his first step on the road to the White House.

In August of that year Angelina Garbarsi and her husband came from Boston to stay with their relatives on Matthews Street for two weeks as they did every year for the Annual two day Madonna Della Cava festival at Saint Anthony Di Padua celebrating a 13th century Marian Apparition in Sicily.

While Mary & her family (including older sister Lucy, Angelina’s Goddaughter) were strong Catholics, the childless Angelina was considered particularly devout and saintly,  even for her time.  She attended daily Mass and had taken the vows of devotion in honor of the Madonna Della Cava including abstaining from meat on Wednesdays for life.  She had spoken to Mary and her godchild Lucy about the faith often during her annual visits and while Lucy’s devotion to prayer and her Godmother would be strong and lifelong, that November it would be Mary who would take that same vow  on her 13th birthday that Angelina had taken the previous century.  She would never break it.


June 1942 was a pivotal time for America at war.  Off the Island of Midway the American Navy under Admirals Fletcher and Sprague would win the critical battle of Midway sinking four Japanese Aircraft Carriers and destroying the cream of the Japanese naval air force.

That same month Mary graduated from Fitchburg High School.  Many members of the class of 42’ would go directly to war.  Some would not come back.  Mary’s older brother Johnny was already serving in Patton’s Army and would eventually be awarded the Silver Star for gallantry.  A cousin that Mary corresponded with regularly would be killed in action.   Mary would use her math and typing skills sharpened on a Royal Typewriter that her father skimped to buy her to good effect as a secretary but he drew the line when one of her friends offered her a chance to join her in the program flying military aircraft domestically freeing up the men for combat    It would be one of the biggest disappointments of her life and she would speak of it whenever an air show came to town.


 In 1946 Winston Churchill gave the speech coining the term “Iron Curtain” to describe the state of countries made puppets under Soviet control at the end of World War 2.  It was a public declaration of the new reality of the conflict between the free west and the enslaved nations of the Communist world that would dominate life on the planet until the end of the 20th century.

In 1946 Mary would lay out an ultimatum to a 25 year old sailor named Dominic.  They had met through a comedy of errors a few years earlier and when that sailor, who was a hardworking, gregarious carpenter returned from the Pacific he was anxious to marry her.  Mary bluntly refused if he remained in the navy.  Dominic wanted a future in the navy, but he wanted one with Mary more.  They would marry the next year and raise five children in their 40 years of marriage.


1968 would begin with the Tet Offensive in Vietnam a military disaster for the Communists but a Propaganda victory leading to the defeat of South Vietnam and causing Lyndon Johnson to not seek re-election. Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy would be assassinated within a few months of each other and in November Richard Nixon would win his first term as president. 

Just before Christmas in 1968 Mary & Dominic would move their five children to a much larger house built next door to Grazia who had been widowed the year before.  It was largest home the family had ever had with 4 bedrooms three bathrooms to be shared by the children ages 5-20.  Ironically, within a few years 3 of the five children would be married and gone. 


In 1974 Richard Nixon resigned as a result of the Watergate scandal, a transformative event in American political history that is still felt today.  Nixon was ill in body and mind at the end.  He would recover physically and pols would consult him privately on serious matters but the miracle necessary to recover his public reputation would not come in his lifetime.

It would be a different story in 1974 for Mary.  For the second of three times the miraculous would intervene in Mary’s devout catholic life.  This occasion was in a near empty basement chapel at St. Bernard’s Catholic Church.

After Sunday Mass at St. Anthony’s Mary would attend the healing services of Fr. Ralph DiOrio at St. Bernards making prayer intentions for her ailing mother.

Mary didn’t tell Fr. DiOrio about illness that reduced her to an all milk diet keeping her from the spicy Italian foods that she so loved.  After all she had somehow survived a horrific gas explosion more than a decade before, her terrible burns inexplicably healing without scaring thanks to a cream nobody heard of,  purchased by her husband days before, from a salesman nobody knew that he applied directly afterwards from a jar nobody could find.  That explosion and two unrelated illnesses had brought her so close to death that by age 50 she had already received the last rites three times.  Between that and a life that included some gunplay in defense of her business & children during a long incapacitation of her husband, a limited diet was certainly not going to elicit complaint.

But that particular Sunday after the service ended Mary’s son approached the priest telling him of her illness and asking him to pray for his mother.  Fr. DiOrio calling Mary over declaring:  “You’ve been coming here all these weeks and you never told me you were sick?”  When Mary deferred citing her mother’s illness the priest insisted on praying over her.  At the touch of his hand she collapsed.  When she revived 15 minutes later he ordered her to go home and eat “A good Italian meal” She went home and feasted on Italian food.  To the amazement of her doctor who she visited that week, her illness was gone.

Later that same year she would get a job at the Safety Fund Bank in Fitchburg.  Before the end of the year her experience from the business they owned brought her the position of head teller.  She would stay their till her retirement.


1994 was a year of political change in the country.  For the first time since the 50’s the GOP controlled the House of Representatives and the country would shortly move from deficit to surplus.  The Republican Revolution and Contract With America would mark a resurgence of the GOP for years.

1994 would be a year of change for Mary.  Her mother had died in 1986, Dominic died in 1987 and her final child would marry and move out the very next year.  With an empty house Mary had thrown herself into her work but at age 70 she decided it was time to leave.  Her life remained busy.  She worked the polls for the city, attended daily Mass, and served the church in the senior’s group, and as a Eucharist Minister to the sick & homebound where one final time the miraclious would visit.

But the biggest change in her life was, for the first time in her life she had abundant free time for her grandchildren.  Most were now teens, some had children of their own, but the two youngest 1 & 3 would get considerable attention from her in their formative years.  By 2006 both of them and their father would take the Madonna Della Cava vow Mary had taken almost 60 years before.  For her it was a source of considerable pride.


2012 was a big election year for America; Barack Obama was re-elected and in Massachusetts Scott Brown was defeated after winning a special election two years before.

2012 was a full year for Mary.  She watched her youngest grandson graduate from her Alma Mater 70 year after her class of 42.  Her oldest daughter watched over her living in the house Mary was born in 88 years prior helped by a grandchild and his family.  She spent the year surrounded by her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and her older sister Lucy still active at 91.

She still had her New Testament, falling apart from daily reading as two others had before.  She had her pistol, but not her bullets, unknown to most and over her objections her oldest son had taken her ammo. She never owned a computer, a cell phone (let along a smart phone), a credit card or cable TV and she was happy. 

On Nov 6th Mary voted for Scott Brown, Two years earlier Brown was the first member of the GOP she had ever voted for in 64 years and talked of it to Robert Stacy McCain.

This year after voting for a Republican for president for the only time of her life she greeted the poll workers whose tasks she had once shared still angry her Scott Brown sign had been stolen.

10 days later on her 88th birthday she renewed her license but a few days later took ill.  She was hospitalized.   Her daughters never left her side and her children and grandchildren visited her daily.

16 days after her initial doctors visit and five days after returning home, my mother Mary died in the house next door to the one she was born in.  She lived a long useful eventful life full of faith and family and had positively touched the lives of others.

Her life might seem an anachronism to people today, I think America would be better off if they saw it as an example.


Our thoughts and prayers are with the people in Connecticut and throughout the world who are impacted by violence

Rest In Peace:

Charlotte Bacon (6),

Daniel Barden (7),

Rachel Davino (29),

Olivia Engel (6),

Josephine Gay(7),

Ana M. Marquez-Greene (6),

Dylan Hockley (6),

Dawn Hocksprung (47),

Madeleine F. Hsu (6),

Catherine V. Hubbard (6),

Chase Kowalski (7),

Jesse Lewis (6),

James Mattioli (6),

Grace McDonnell (7),

Anne Marie Murphy (52),

Emilie Parker (6),

Jack Pinto (6),

Noah Pozner (6),

Caroline Previdi (6),

Jessica Rekos (6),

Avielle Richman (6),

Lauren Russeau (30),

Mary Sherlach (56),

Victoria Soto (27),

Benjamin Wheeler (6),

Allison N. Wyatt (6)


Merry Christmas … Love and Blessings . . .

I will be making a conscious effort to wish everyone
a Merry Christmas this year …
My way of saying that I am celebrating
The birth Of Jesus Christ.
So, I am asking my email buddies,
if you agree with me, to please do the same.
And if you’ll pass this on to
Your email buddies, and so on… maybe we can prevent one more
American tradition from being lost in the sea of “Political Correctness”.


Love and Blessings


No drink for the Republican…. (… funny)

A union shop foreman walks into a bar next door to the factory and is about to order a drink to celebrate Obama’s victory when he sees a guy close by wearing a Romney for President button and two beers in front of him. He doesn’t have to be an Einstein to know that this guy is a Republican. So, he shouts over to the bartender so loudly that everyone can hear, “Drinks for everyone in here, bartender, but not for the Republican.”

Soon after the drinks have been handed out, the Republican gives him a big smile, waves at him, then says, “Thank you!” in an equally loud voice. This infuriates the union official.

The union captain once again loudly orders drinks for everyone except the Republican. As before, this does not seem to bother the Republican. He continues to smile, and again yells, “Thank you!”

The union thug once again loudly orders drinks for everyone except the Republican. As before, this does not seem to bother the Republican. He continues to smile, and again yells, “Thank you!”

The union guy asks the bartender, “What is the matter with that Republican? I’ve ordered three rounds of drinks for everyone in the bar but him, and all the silly idiot does is smile and thanks me. Is he nuts?”

“Nope,” replies the bartender. “He owns the place.”


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